Thank you for joining us today. This international press briefing is an avenue for the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) to update the public on the progress of Operation LAKE SANITY 2, which commenced on 23 April 2024 with the participation of troops from Cameroon, Chad, and Nigeria. It will complement our routine press releases […]
Au cœur de l’Afrique, le bassin du lac Tchad est un élément vital pour des dizaines de millions de personnes, un sanctuaire écologique unique et un pilier de la stabilité régionale. Cette vaste zone, qui touche le Cameroun, le Niger, le Nigeria et le Tchad, est plus qu’une caractéristique géographique ; c’est le berceau de […]
The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has reported a series of successes in the fight against terrorism as Operation Nashrul Salam triggers more surrenders. This was revealed recently during the Force Commander Maj Gen Ibrahim Sallau Ali courtesy visit to the Chief of Defence Staff, Armed Forces of Nigeria General Christopher Musa. Gen Ali disclosed […]
The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has released a documentary showcasing its operational successes in the fight against insurgency in the Lake Chad Region. The documentary, titled “Victory Against Insurgency in the Lake Chad Region,” highlights the progress made by the MNJTF in the past few years in the fight against terrorism. The MNJTF, a […]
The FC MNJTF Maj Gen AK Ibrahim was, today December 2, 2022, represented by Colonel Kpwang Guy Roboert during the closing ceremony for training on Nautical crew at the Douguia nautical center. In his remarks, Colonel Kpwang congratulated the trainees for their discipline, dedication and enthusiasm throughout the training and stated that the organization of […]
The head of state and government of Lake Chad Basin Region held its 16th summit on Tuesday 29 November 2022 in Abuja. In his opening remarks, the President of Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari pledged to provide more support to the MNJTF in other to fight terrorism to a halt. According to President Buhari […]
Une réunion d’évaluation des différentes formations effectuées au profit des personnels de la FMM s’est tenue au QG de la FMM ce mardi 21 septembre 2022. L’objectif de ladite réunion était d’évaluer la pertinence et l’efficacité des formations organisées par la FMM en collaboration avec ses partenaires stratégiques au profit des troupes des différents secteurs […]
A Training Assessment Conference was held at the HQ MNJTF on Wednesday 21 September 2022. The aim of the conference was to carry out a holistic review of the effectiveness and usefulness of all the training courses coordinated by the MNJTF and its strategic partners for troops of the various MNJTF Sectors and its impact […]
Le Commandant de la Force (COMFORCE), le Général de Division Abdul Khalifah Ibrahim, a donné une conférence le 20 juillet 2022 à l’Ecole de Guerre de l’Armée de Terre à Abuja, au Nigeria, aux officiers stagiaires participant au 6é Cours Supérieur de Stratégie et de Gestion Militaires 2022. Le titre de la conférence était “Commandement […]
The Force Commander (FC) of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) Maj Gen Abdul Khalifah Ibrahim on 20 July 2022 at the Army War College Abuja Nigeria, delivered a lecture to student participants of Higher Military Strategy and Management Course 6/2022. The title of the lecture was “Command and Leadership of the MNJTF: My Experience”. […]