La coopération et les relations entre le Royaume-Uni (RU) et la Force Multinationale Mixte (FMM) ont pris une nouvelle dimension dans les opérations de contre-insurrection. Cela s’est reflété lors de la récente visite du Commandant de l’Opération TURUS, le Colonel Rory Shannon, au QG de la FMM le 1er février 2022. Le Commandant de la […]
The cooperation and relationship between the United Kingdom (UK) and Multinational Joint Taskforce (MNJTF) has taken a new dimension in counter-insurgency operations. This was reflected during the recent visit by the Commander Operation TURUS, Colonel Rory Shannon to HQ MNJTF on 1 February 2022. The Force Commander (FC) MNJTF Major General Abdul Khalifah Ibrahim welcomed […]
La transformation de la Force Multinationale Mixte (FMM) en une force formidable a commencé en 2014, lorsque les terroristes Boko Haram (TBH) ont intensifié leurs activités néfastes conduisant à la destruction gratuite de vies et de biens des communautés dans le Bassin du Lac Tchad. Les pays membres de la Commission du Bassin du Lac […]
The transformation of Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) into a formidable force commenced in 2014, when Boko Haram Terrorists (BHT) scaled up their nefarious activities leading to the wanton destruction of lives and properties of the communities in the Lake Chad Basin. This necessitated the members nations of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) to […]
The MNJTF conducted training on Monitoring and Analysis of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) Trend Incident in conjunction with the Operation TURUS and CCL for 25 personnel drawn from HQ MNJTF and sectors’ levels. The 5-Day training was official declared close on Friday 22 October 2021 by the FC, Maj Gen AK Ibrahim. At the closing […]
Le commandant de la Force Multinationale Mixte MNJTF, le général de division Abdul Khalifa Ibrahim, a déclaré que le travail d’équipe et la synergie transparente restent le facteur majeur pour lutter contre la menace d’insurrection dans le bassin du lac Tchad, d’où la nécessité d’explorer des pistes pour renforcer les liens. Le général Ibrahim a […]
The FC MNJTF, Major General Abdul Khalifah Ibrahim visited the Chadian Chief of Air Staff (CAS), Brigadier General Amine Ahmed Idriss on 21 October 2021 at the HQ Chadian Airforce N`Djamena Chad. The visit is part of ongoing familiarization tour to some strategic senior military commanders and other security chiefs in Lake Chad region. The […]
The Commander Sector 3 OPHDIN KAI and Multinational Joint Task Force Brig Gen Godwin M Mutkut organized a meeting with some Heads of Non-Governmental Organizations at the Sector’s Conference Room today Wednesday 1 September 21. The meeting was centered on the need to improve on the synergy between the Non-Governmental Organizations and the Sector in the […]