In order to maintain its state of operational readiness, the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) continuously trains its personnel. In this regard, the Force collaborates with some international organizations and agencies for training, courses and seminars to improve the operational capabilities of its personnel. Some of these organizations/agencies include UNHRC, UNITAR, UNDP, IPSTC and UN OCHA. Others are UNODC, AICS, APIS, ICRC etc.
Through these collaborations, some of the training/courses received by MNJTF personnel include C3IS training from 16 Nov – 9 Dec 20 in which about 50 personnel were trained, including some personnel of the Chadian Airforce. Others are Information Management Training from 7 – 11 Sep 20 and 14 – 17 Dec 20 where 35 personnel were trained and Humanitarian & Protection Principles including Civil-Military Coordination where about 20 personnel were trained. These training were received by both the personnel of HQ MNJTF as well as those in the Sectors. The Force on its own, also organizes training for her personnel. For example, the Drone Pilot training from 7 Aug – 2 Sep 20 and the Joint Interdiction training on 15 May 20, these training were organized for some of her personnel in the Sectors.
The MNJTF also makes sure personnel are motivated and operationally ready, in this regard, the Force Commander (FC) pays Operations visits to the Sectors at regular intervals, boosting the morale of the personnel in the Sectors. The personnel are also routinely provided with materials and equipment that will enhance their operational efficiency. Some of the equipment received by the personnel includes night vision goggles, drones for surveillance and amphibious equipment such as boats and life jackets etc.