La Force multinationale mixte (FMM) a une fois de plus affirmé son engagement à neutraliser la menace terroriste dans la région du bassin du lac Tchad, à la suite d’une opération de nettoyage menée avec succès par les troupes du secteur 3 (5ème brigade) du Nigéria le 25 février 2024. L’opération a été lancée en […]
The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has once again affirmed its commitment to neutralizing the threat of terrorism in the Lake Chad Basin region, following a successful clearance operation conducted by troops of Sector 3 (5 Brigade) Nigeria on the 25 February, 2024. The operation was initiated in response to intelligence reports indicating the presence […]
La Force multinationale mixte (FMM) a réaffirmé son adhésion aux lois internationales, notamment celles relatives aux conflits armés. Le général de division Ibrahim Sallau Ali, commandant de la Force, a donné cette assurance lors d’une visite de la délégation tchadienne du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge (CICR) au quartier général de la FMM, le 22 […]
The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has reaffirmed its adherence to international laws, particularly those relating to armed conflicts. Major General Ibrahim Sallau Ali, the Force Commander, made this assurance during a visit by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) delegation from Chad to Headquarters MNJTF on 22 February 2024. Gen Ali commended […]
In a bid to enhance its operations within the Lake Chad Basin, the Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has reached out to foster collaboration with the Chadian Air Force. This initiative was highlighted during a recent courtesy visit by th Force Commander, Major General Ibrahim Sallau Ali, to the Chief of Air Staff of Chad, […]
The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has significantly stepped up its clearance operations within the Lake Chad basin, aiming to strengthen free movement and rejuvenate economic activities across the region. This initiative has led to an encouraging trend, with multiple terrorists surrendering and the interception of a major arms haul meant for insurgents’ use. From […]
La force multinationale mixte (FMM) a enregistré une série de succès dans la lutte contre le terrorisme, l’opération Nashrul Salam entraînant de nouvelles redditions. C’est ce qu’a révélé récemment le commandant de la force, le général de division Ibrahim Sallau Ali, lors d’une visite de courtoisie au chef d’état-major de la défense des forces armées […]
The Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has reported a series of successes in the fight against terrorism as Operation Nashrul Salam triggers more surrenders. This was revealed recently during the Force Commander Maj Gen Ibrahim Sallau Ali courtesy visit to the Chief of Defence Staff, Armed Forces of Nigeria General Christopher Musa. Gen Ali disclosed […]